Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Scarlet & Bizarro as Gijinka Persian & Giovanni (Pokemon)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Scarlet and Bizarro are cosplaying as Gijinka Persian and Giovanni from Pokemon.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Jay & Tony as Wonder Woman & Superman!
Here’s an entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! We have Jay and Tony as Wonder Woman and Superman from DC Comics!

Valentine’s Day Couple Contest: Envy Cosplay & Ena Cosplay as Fem!Vincent Valentine & Yuffie (Final Fantasy VII/ Kingdom Hearts)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couple Contest. Envy Cosplay and Ena Cosplay are cosplaying as Fem!Vincent Valentine and Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Jessa Pruitt and Helena Walker as Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Jessa Pruitt and Helena Walker are cosplaying as Sirius Black and Remus Lupin from Harry Potter (Marauder’s Era).

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Mary Cahela & Meru Cosplay as Tamao & Nagisa (Strawberry Panic)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Mary Cahela and Meru Cosplay are cosplaying as Tamao and Nagisa from Strawberry Panic.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Chubear Cosplay & Lynard as Cortana & Master Chief (Halo 3 and Halo 4)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Chubear Cosplay and Lynard are cosplaying as Cortana from Halo 4 and Master Chief from Halo 3.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Ashley & Andrea as Ranma Saotome & Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Ashley and Andrea are cosplaying as Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2! While neither of these cosplayers used our wigs we have some great styles to recommend in case you are looking to cosplay as either of […]

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Pannon & Pastel as Cecil Harvey & Rosa Joanna Farrell (Final Fantasy IV)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Pannon and Pastel are cosplaying as Cecil Harvey and Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: AngieRikku & Doash R as Rikku & Gippal (Final Fantasy X-2)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Angie Rikku and Daosh R are cosplaying as Riku and Gippal from Final Fantasy X-2.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Jillian Ryan & Ryan Z as Rinoa & Squall (Final Fantasy VIII)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Jillian Ryan and Ryan Z are cosplaying as Rinoa and Squall from Final Fantasy VIII.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Twilight Memoirs & Billye as Nana “Hachi” Komatsu & Nobuo “Nobu” Terashima (NANA)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Twilight Memoirs and Billye are cosplaying as Nana “Hachi” Komatsu and Nobuo “Nobu” Terashima from NANA.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Sara Collins & Shasta Schroder as Pip Bernadotte & Seras Victoria (Hellsing OVA)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Sara Collins (left) and Shasta Schroder (right) are cosplaying as Pip Bernadotte and Seras Victoria from the Hellsing OVA.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Erin (bitterassfandom) & Erica (fyeaherica) as Dave & John (Homestuck)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Erin (bitterassfandom) and Erica (fyeaherica) are cosplaying as Dave and John respectively from Homestuck.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Teresa & Cris as Rapunzel & Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Teresa and Cris are cosplaying as Rapunzel and Flynn Rider from Tangled.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Danny Rodriguez & Sheila Netteler as Pikachu & Pichu (Pokemon)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Danny Rodriguez and Sheila Netteler are cosplaying as Pikachu and Pichu from Pokemon.
Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Rodolfo Chiari & Laura González-Ruiz as Hanamichi Sakuragi & Zatanna Zatara (Slam Dunk & DC Comics)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Rodolfo Chiari and Laura González-Ruiz are cosplaying as Hanamichi Sakuragi and Zatanna Zatara from Slam Dunk and DC Comics.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Kristina & Kenny as Terra & Locke (Final Fantasy VI)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Kristina and Kenny are cosplaying as Terra and Locke from Final Fantasy VI.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Mayrim & Elizabeth as Sharon & Xerxes/Kevin
Hey, here we have another entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! We have Mayrim and Elizabeth as Sharon Rainsworth and Xerxes Break/Kevin Reeves from the series Pandora Hearts!

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Joshua & Yin as Kamina & Yoko
Here’s another look at an entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Here we have Joshua and Yin as Kamina and Yoko from the series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Chloe & Kyle as Dr. Krieger & Cheryl
We have another entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Here’s Chloe and Kyle as Dr. Algernop Krieger and Cheryl Tunt from the series Archer!

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Kate (Iroha) & Dennis (Ichnob) as Kotetsu & Barnaby (Tiger & Bunny)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Kate (Iroha) and Dennis (Ichnob) are cosplaying as Kotetsu (Tiger) and Barnaby (Bunny) from the series Tiger & Bunny.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Sam & Rebecca (Ony X) as Simon & Nia from Gurren Lagann
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Sam and Rebecca (Ony X) are cosplaying as Simon and Nia from Gurren Lagann.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Jessy Suazo and her boyfriend are cosplaying as Hinata and Naruto (Naruto)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Jessy Suazo and her boyfriend are cosplaying as Naruto and Hinata from the Naruto series.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Olivine & Yuki-chan as Kyo Sohma & Tohru Honda
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Olivine and Yuki-chan are cosplaying as Ch.1 Kyo Sohma and Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Kat & Rin as Rin & Len
Hey, we have an entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Here we have Kat and Rin cosplaying as Rin and Len Kagamine from the Vocaloid The Evil series!