Aly Sprout as Crona from Soul Eater
Cosplayer:Aly SproutInstagram:www.instagram.com/aly_sproutCrona was a character I was immediately drawn towards, but I lacked the confidence to cosplay them. I ended up doing research on wigs and the Aphrodite in Fusion Vanilla Purple stood out to me. There are many variations of Crona’s hair from official art, anime, and fan art.. […]

crypticSabbat as fem!Jack Skellington from Night Before Christmas
Cosplayer:crypticSabbatHeyo! This was my Halloween costume for 2018, a genderbent Jack Skellington. I wore this to a tattoo shop Halloween party, and won 3rd place in their costume contest. I was inspired by looking at some pieces of fanart I found online, along with a couple of makeup tutorial vids […]

Just Believe Cosplay as Victor from Yuri on Ice
Cosplayer:Just Believe CosplayFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/JustBelieveCosplayInstagram:justbelievecosplayThe Aphrodite in silvery grey is a perfect wig for Victor Nikiforov cosplays. This was the very first time I styled a wig and am very pleased with the results. I altered the position of the part by sewing the wig together a bit on the inside. Then […]

JaimeStoneDead as Celestia Ludenberg from Danganronpa
Cosplayer:JaimeStoneDeadInstagram:@jaimestonedeadDrill curls made with Epic Cosplay wefts in Black. Photo taken at Anime Boston

Cosplay As Noodle from Gorillaz
Cosplayer:MarloesInstagram:djangogipsy_cosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Purple Black Fusion for Noodle Gorillaz cosplay Gorillaz fans are sure to love this one. Featured cosplayer Marloes showcases a creative cosplay of Noodle, a character that serves as lead guitarist for the virtual band Gorillaz. Gorillaz is a musical act that surfaced in 1998, but […]

Sora Cosplay from Kingdom Hearts
Cosplayer:XalithaFacebook:www.facebook.com/xalitha20Instagram:Xalitha20EpicCosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Light Brown for Sora cosplay from Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts has been the long term fan favorite. Check out how Xalitha is able to styling our Aphrodites in light brown to Sora Character: Sora from Kingdom Hearts 3 📸: Dan Hass my Riku was @beccacookie1 on […]

Tracer from Overwatch
Name: Wuckajuice Cosplay and Art (@wuckajuice) Photos by: Cassie H Photography (@cassiehphotography) Costume: Tracer EpicCosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Dark Brown

Pumpkaboo Gijinka
Something dark and sinister is coming.. Oh wait it’s the an adorable Pumpkaboo Gijinka done by the talented Anjess3! Here she is in a Pokémon cosplay that’s too cute to haunt any pumpkin patch! This spoopy Pumpkaboo Gijinka has been topped off with one of our Aphrodite styled wigs in Black. The […]

Absol Gijinka
Pokemon Gijinka Contest Submission Name: Heaven’s Light Cosplay Photo by: n/a Concept Designed by: Cowslip EpicCosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Classic White + 15″ Weft Extension in Classic White

Zapdos Ginjinka
Pokemon Gijinka Contest Submission Name: Crystal Seraphim Cosplay Photo by: Caroline Krajewski Concept Designed by: Cowslip EpicCosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Butterscotch Blonde The wig was cut and spiked along the back with tacky glue and dyed black underneath and throughout with sharpie ink. Details such as braiding and beading were also done […]

Link from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Ordon version)
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Pannon EpicCosplay wig: Aphrodite in Caramel Blonde For Raichu, I pulled it up into a high ponytail and stubbed it, then made the remaining hair into a separate tail which I sewed in so it would stay up nicely. I dip-dyed the end to give […]

San-Mononoke Hime
Name: OhHeyABear Cosplay EpicCosplay wig: Aphrodite in Light Brown Trimmed bangs and fluffed wig. Photography: Azfaris Photography

Kei from Dirty Pair Flash
Name: befu of verssenwerks Epic Cosplay Wigs: Aphrodite in Rich Butterscotch Blonde & Aphrodite in Autumn Orange This wig made me learn a lot of things. First off, I cut out the bangs from the wigs, sewed the yellow bangs into the orange wig, added in extra wefts from the […]

Elizabeth Comstock from Bioshock Infinite
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Sydney Epic Cosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Dark Brown The only thing that I did to the wig was trim the bangs a tiny bit and then hair sprayed it into place. The best part about my experience was that this wig was technically “out […]

Fox Alistair from RWBY
Name: Hot Dog Huy Epic Cosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Persimmon Orange (discontinued) Bangs were trimmed and used got2b Glued hair spray to get the texture. It was already layered so minimal styling was required. Photographer Credit: OneSky2High David Ngo

Soon Hak from Yona of the Dawn
Name: Kyle Stewart aka AvariceRose Cosplay Epic Cosplay wig: Aphrodite in Black Trimmed the bangs, and sides to layer and then Got-2-Be Glue hairsprayed the sides, back and front in place. This cosplay won Best Couples Cosplay at MTAC 2015 with AmyChan’s Yona from Yona of the Dawn which has […]

Fiona from Tales From the Borderlands
Name: Mangoloo Epic Cosplay wig: Aphrodite in Light Brown & Autumn Gold Clip On Extension (clip on extensions have been discontinued) First of all I love Epic Cosplay Wigs because of their thickness… which gives me plenty of hair to style! Therefore I bought the Aphrodite light brown wig. When […]

SUYM: Periwinkle
Name: KennadeeK Epic Cosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Classic White Character: Periwinkle from “Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings” I really enjoyed styling this wig- Epiccosplay wigs are the easiest I’ve ever styled! I cut and hair sprayed my wig and then put some glitter on it. : )

Show Us Your Moves: Lyddi Design Costumes Cosplays as Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell!
Name: LyddiDesign Costumes Facebook: LyddiDesignCostumes Style and Color: Aphrodite in Purple Black Fusion Character: Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Jennifer Smerick & Dawndee Carver as Drocell Kainz & William Spears (Kuroshitsuji)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Jennifer Smerick and Dawndee Carver are cosplaying as Drocell Kainz and William Spears respectively from Kuroshitsuji.

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Robyn & Kate as Andorians
Hey! Here’s another entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! We have Robyn and Kate as Andorians from Star Trek! They used two of our wigs in their cosplays to complete their looks! Robyn used our Hestia Wig in Classic White and Kate used our Aphrodite Wig in Classic White! Read on […]

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Mike & Benita as Groose & Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Here is one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Mike and Benita are cosplaying as Groose and Zelda respectively from the game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword! Mike used our Aphrodite Wig in Dark Red wig for Groose, while Benita used our Nyx Wig in Autumn Gold for […]