Manic Misha Cosplay as Soldier 76 from Overwatch
Cosplayer:Manic Misha CosplayFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/ManicMishaCosplay/Instagram:ManicmishaEpicCosplay Wig: Hermes in Silvery Grey for Soldier 76 cosplay from Overwatch Soldier 76 mains are sure to appreciate the detail and accuracy of this fantastic cosplay! Manic Misha Cosplay has provided a fantastic photo for Overwatch fans to enjoy, along with a nice description of the wig styling process in […]

Vividly Straight as Tapu Fini from Pokemon
Cosplayer:Vividly StraightInstagram:VividlyStraightEpicCosplay Wig: Asteria in Ice Blue for Tapu Fini cosplay from Pokemon Check out this incredible Tapu Fini cosplay by Vividly Straight! Because the official Tapu Fini design is already somewhat anthropomorphic, this character is a perfect candidate for gijinka cosplay styles. Gijinka is the practice of giving human-like qualities […]

Cestlasara as Zhuque Mercy from Overwatch
Cosplayer:CestlasaraFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/cestlasara/Instagram:cestlasaraEpicCosplay Wig: Aether in Black for Zhuque Mercy cosplay This spectacular Zhuque Mercy cosplay by C’est La Sara is impressive in its depth of detail, engineering, and creativity. C’est La Sara was kind enough to provide super-useful information and photos detailing the total wig transformation, all beginning with the simple […]

Serena (Pokemon XY&Z)
Cosplayer:Sami MaherInstagram:@irontail.cosplaysEpicCosplay Wig: Chronos in Caramel Brown for Serena cosplay from Pokémon XY and Z The charming Pokémon Performer poses for photos with her trusty Eevee in this fantastic photoshoot. Featured cosplayer Sami Maher shares a little bit of information about the construction of this cosplay in the paragraph below, along with a […]

Black Friday Sales
CYBER MONDAY DEALS! Announcing our official canvas art line from various huge Anime series, these $25 art pieces will make the perfect holiday gift for your LOVED ONES! This introductory price won’t last long, so don’t miss out! Currently shipping to U.S. only. Due to the large volume of […]

Young Izuku Midoriya/Small Might from My Hero Academia
Cosplayer:Izuku MiroriyaInstagram:chokedonabobaEpicCosplay Wig: Apollo in Forest Green Mix for Small Might/Young Midoriya cosplay from My Hero Academia My Hero Academia fans are sure to adore this one! Featured cosplayer Chokedonaboba shows off a cozy take on Izuku Midoriya as a youngster. This costume is based on a flashback scene, showing Midoriya dressed as his hero […]

@team.charming as Dawn from Pokemon
Cosplayer:AllisonInstagram:@team.charmingEpicCosplay Wig: Theia in Dark Blue Mix for Dawn from Pokemon cosplay Check out this great Dawn from Pokémon cosplay wig design! Featured cosplayer Allison (team.charming on Instagram) has provided a great photo of this coordinated look below, along with a few words about the wig choice: I was Dawn from the Pokemon Diamond […]

sarnai as Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club
Cosplayer:sarnaicosplayInstagram:sarnaicosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Persephone in Purple Black Fusion for Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club Check out this fantastic DDLC Yuri cosplay by SarnaiCosplay! DDLC, or Doki Doki Literature Club, is a visual novel that gained a devoted following thanks to its surprisingly subversive themes and effective mechanics. Yuri is one of the five members […]

Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail
Cosplayer:JuviaMelissaInstagram:JuviaMelissaEpicCosplay Wig: Hestia in Ice Blue for Juvia cosplay from Fairy Tail Fairy Tail fans are sure to appreciate the dedication of featured cosplayer JuviaMelissa when it comes to capturing the many looks of Juvia Lockser. The photos below showcase two of the outfits that Juvia wore throughout the series – the […]

Sooyoil as Hinata Hyuga from Naruto
Cosplayer:Sooyoil (Wednesday)Instagram:sooyoil_cosEpicCosplay Wig: Nyx in Midnight Blue for Hinata Hyuga cosplay from Naruto This neat Hinata Hyuga cosplay by Sooyoil Cosplay shows the fan-favorite kunoichi in a different light. Instead of the hoodies and combat outfits worn at various points throughout the Naruto series, this cosplay features a blend between […]

Asagiri Cosplay as SAILOR MARS from SAILOR MOON
Cosplayer:Asagiri CosplayFacebook:http://www.facebook.com/AsagiriCosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Persephone in Purple Black Fusion for Sailor Mars cosplay from Sailor Moon The elegant Sailor Senshi of fire makes a dazzling impression in this cosplay constructed and modeled by Asagiri Cosplay. Asagiri Cosplay has provided a few details about the costume and photoset below. Then, keep reading to […]

CocoaSugar Cosplay as Luna from Sailor Moon
Cosplayer:CocoaSugar CosplayInstagram:@cocoasugarcosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Hera in Purple Black Fusion for Luna cosplay from Sailor Moon Check out this incredible Luna cosplay by CocoaSugar Cosplay! Fans of the Sailor Moon franchise know Luna a guardian who guides Usagi throughout the series – first introduced in the form of a cat, but later […]

goldengorecosplay as Victor Van Dort from Corpse Bride
Cosplayer:goldengorecosplayInstagram:goldengorecosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Apollo in Natural Black for Victor Van Dort cosplay from Corpse Bride Check out this super-accurate Victor Van Dort cosplay by GoldenGoreCosplay! Victor Van Dort is the main protagonist of Corpse Bride, a stop-motion animated musical released in 2005 that has since become a cult classic among Tim […]

Tifa Lockhart!
Cosplayer:Leyonhart cosplayInstagram:Instagram.com/leyonhart_cosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Persephone in Black for Tifa Lockhart cosplay from Final Fantasy Final Fantasy fans are sure appreciate this great Tifa Lockhart cosplay by Leyonhart Cosplay! For those who are just now getting into this legendary series, Tifa makes her debut appearance in the immensely popular Final Fantasy VII where […]

SparkleStache as Widowmaker Nova from Overwatch
Cosplayer:Sparkle StacheFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/sparklestache/Instagram:@sparkle.stacheEpicCosplay Wig: Keto in Natural Blonde for Widowmaker Nova cosplay from Overwatch This impressive Widowmaker Nova cosplay by Sparkle Stache brings the ruthless sniper to life with style and flair. Every detail makes a dramatic impact – from the incredibly accurate light up armor to the perfectly printed bodysuit and […]

goldengorecosplay as Dabi from My Hero Acedemia
Cosplayer:goldengorecosplayInstagram:goldengorecosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Apollo in Natural Black for Dabi cosplay from My Hero Academia Check out this super-cool Dabi cosplay by goldengorecosplay! Despite the character’s role as an antagonistic villain, Dabi remains a favorite among My Hero Academia enthusiasts. There are tons of reasons to find this character interesting – the […]

Cosplayer:Sydney RalstonInstagram:sydneyralstonWhat an enchanting Blue Diamond cosplay! Modeled by cosplayer Sydney Ralston, this Steven Universe character makes a dramatic statement with a catwalk-worthy ensemble. First, Sydney Ralston has provided a bit of information about the background behind this cosplay below. Then, keep reading to learn about the Nyx wig from […]

Wigspiration: K/DA League of Legends
Riot Games held its annual League of Legend championships in South Korea, and it introduced a killer music video and concert that changed Egaming around the world. Not only was it a jaw-dropping performance, they showcased AR characters from League of Legends. Given ‘Kpop skins,’ Ahri, Akali, Evelynn and Kai’Sa […]

Firecloak as Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
Cosplayer:FirecloakFacebook:fb.com/firecloakInstagram:firecloakEpicCosplay Wig: Hera in Purple Black Fusion for Tomoyo cosplay from Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Cardcaptor Sakura fans are sure to appreciate the accuracy of this Tomoyo cosplay! In the series, Tomoyo serves as best friend and dedicated confidant to protagonist Sakura Kinomoto – providing the magical girl with adorable outfits […]

Eli Ebberts as Karen from Revue Starlight
Cosplayer:Eli EbbertsFacebook:Facebook.com/eli.ebbertsInstagram:@EliEbbertsEpicCosplay Wig: Hestia in Copper Red for Revue Starlight Karen Aijou cosplay Check out this amazingly detailed Karen Aijou cosplay by Eli Ebberts! Revue Starlight fans will recognize this character as the main protagonist of the series, an energetic student at Seisho Music Academy who made a promise to […]

Adelie as Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura
Cosplayer:Adelie CosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Chronos in Caramel Brown for Cardcaptor Sakura Cosplay Check out this incredible Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay by Adelie Cosplay! Sakura Kinomoto is a cosplay favorite for many reasons, especially for the variety of costumes she wears throughout the series. This cosplay features the breathtaking dress shown in the […]

CandiedBanana as Dancing Star Night Persona 5 Protaganist
Cosplayer:Anna Adger(CandiedBanana)Instagram:CandiedBananaEpicCosplay wig: Apollo wig in Black for Dancing Star Night protagonist cosplay Featured cosplayer Anna Adger shows off a super-accurate cosplay of the protagonist from Dancing Star Night. Dancing Star Night is a rhythm game based on the Persona 5 series. Buyers in North American markets might know it […]

Cosplay As Noodle from Gorillaz
Cosplayer:MarloesInstagram:djangogipsy_cosplayEpicCosplay Wig: Aphrodite in Purple Black Fusion for Noodle Gorillaz cosplay Gorillaz fans are sure to love this one. Featured cosplayer Marloes showcases a creative cosplay of Noodle, a character that serves as lead guitarist for the virtual band Gorillaz. Gorillaz is a musical act that surfaced in 1998, but […]

Go Broncos Go
Cosplayer:Meredith BrannonI had a severe reaction to hair dye almost 3 years ago and can no longer wear colors on my skin. My pigtails are away for me to still represent my team and I wear them to every Denver Broncos event I go to.

MeelkTea Cosplay as Swimsuit Trish Una from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Cosplayer:MeelkTea CosplayFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/meelkteacosplay/Instagram:meelkteaThis swimsuit Trish Una cosplay made a big splash at Colossalcon 2018. One month later, the anime premiere of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind would bring the character to screens everywhere. Golden Wind is the fifth story arc of the series, marking the introduction of Spice Girl stand user […]