Vicious Cosplay has sent us another Show Us Your Moves Submission! This time she has chosen to feature her Chingling Gijinka cosplay from the popular Pokemon series! She used our Theia Wig in Fusion Yellow (discontinued) to complete her look! Check out her submission below!

Cosplayer: Vicious Cosplay
Photographer: Octography
Cosplay: Chingling Gijinka from Pokémon Diamond/Pearl
Wig: 20″ Theia in Fusion Yellow
This was a last minute cosplay done for our Zenkaikon 2013 ‘Go Go Gijinka’ panel (where sadly I was the only one Gijinkaing!) Since my list for the year had zero cute cosplays, I made this one to reverse that fact.
Initially the design was found off of a really fun list of the first four generations of Pokémon done in human female styles. Chingling was one of the many that just seemed to sing to me. It was adorable! It was cute! It was a baby!
One of the challenges I had making this costume was the wig. Though the Theia had far more hair than I needed (though perfect for color and cost), I realized post cutting it that it was going to lay so flat and straight, while the hair art was bouncy. This proved an issue since the straight and flatness of the wig just… wasn’t cute. With the help of my straightener and some rollers, I was able to give some life to the flat wig and ‘fluff’ it a bit. (The tutorial you can find here: This gave it just the right amount of volume.
One of the best parts about this costume was wearing it to the Zenkaikon masquerade. The Hall Cosplay was arranged as normal for a fashion show style walkon, but after years of doing this I’d realized I could play with the stage and the audience a lot more. More importantly, Uncle Yo as the MC played with me as well. When I tried to hide from going on stage he called out to me in a cutesy baby voice: “Come on Chingling! You can do it! Come on out youuuu!” And when I moved to leave and left my shoe behind, resulting in me crying on stage like a baby, the audience reacted with awes and sadness while Uncle Yo cheered, “No Chingling! Go get your shoe! Go get your shoe come on Chingling!” Even the audience clapped once more after the success of getting my shoe back on, making it the most adorable and interactive walkon I have ever done.
All in all cosplaying as this baby pokémon is a total blast just because I can be utterly adorable as much as I want. It’s super fun and I love every moment of it!
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