Grima Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening
Cosplayer:Charlie/PizzaInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/peet_suhPhotographerCharlie/PizzaPhotographer Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/peet_suhMy version of the character ( Grima ) Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. Since you can customize and create your own MU/character within the game, you can basically go ham and play with the design however you please! I went with a short, spiky, black hair look instead of […]

Zuzukki as Nero from DMC5
Cosplayer:ZuzukkiFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/ZuZukki.Cos/Instagram:ZuzukkiFrom Sakuracon 2019. The wig has been dyed at the roots using rit dye, hence the grayish appearance. I’m just hanging out in a tree in this pic, don’t know why I climbed in.

Pixel Magus as Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
Cosplayer:Pixel MagusFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/pixelmagus/Instagram:Pixel MagusEpicCosplay Wig: Hermes in Silvery Grey EpicCosplay commentary: Cosplayer Pixel Magus is showing us how simple cosplay can be and how effective it really is while cosplaying as Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians! Thank you Pixel Magus for reminding us that even the most simple cosplay […]

Manic Misha Cosplay as Soldier 76 from Overwatch
Cosplayer:Manic Misha CosplayFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/ManicMishaCosplay/Instagram:ManicmishaEpicCosplay Wig: Hermes in Silvery Grey for Soldier 76 cosplay from Overwatch Soldier 76 mains are sure to appreciate the detail and accuracy of this fantastic cosplay! Manic Misha Cosplay has provided a fantastic photo for Overwatch fans to enjoy, along with a nice description of the wig styling process in […]

EtheriumArt as Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
Cosplayer:Zoe GuestInstagram:@etheriumartEpicCosplay Wig: Hermes in Silvery Grey I have always loved Rise of the Guardians, and decided to make a Jack Frost cosplay for a Halloween fair. People tell me I look a lot like him, and he’s my favorite character from that movie. I ended up also wearing it to […]

Show Us Your Moves! Lee Cosplays Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians!
Name: Lee Tumblr: https://the-boy-who-cried-help.tumblr.com/ Style and Color: Hermes in Silver Character: Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians

Show Us Your Moves: Cari Cosplays as Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians!
Check out Cari! She chose to feature her Jack Frost cosplay from Dreamworks’ Rise of the Guardians’ movie based off William Joyce’s Guardians of Childhood series! To complete her look she used our Hermes Wig in Silvery Grey! Check out her entry below!

Show Us Your Moves: Benjamin cosplays as Danny Phantom from Danny Phantom!
“I’m going ghost!” Well, we aren’t but Benjamin sure did! He entered his Danny Phantom cosplay from Nickelodeon’s hit show Danny Phantom into our Show Us Your Moves contest! For this cosplay he used our Hermes Wig in Classic White! Check out his entry below! The wig I am […]

April Fool’s Contest Entry: PK Hikari as Red
PK Hikaru from Plastic Joint entered our April Fool’s Contest as Red from Pokemon! Check out his entry at the link!

Valentine’s Day Couples Contest Entry: Jennifer Smerick & Dawndee Carver as Drocell Kainz & William Spears (Kuroshitsuji)
Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Jennifer Smerick and Dawndee Carver are cosplaying as Drocell Kainz and William Spears respectively from Kuroshitsuji.