Got another entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! We have Missyeru and Jonathan as Morgana and Malzahar from the popular video game League of Legends! Missyeru used our Hestia in Luxe Purple to aid in her Morgana cosplay! From our research we could not find good pictures depicting Malzahar’s hair (or if he has any). If you have a reference picture and would like a recommendation for a wig, please feel free to message us for a recommendation! Take a look at their cosplay and some background info on themselves!

– What inspired you to do these cosplays?
Both of us are HUGE fans of League of Legends, and wanted to cosplay together at Anime Expo 2012. He had already finished his cosplay before me, and I choose Morgana because I love her design, and her character lore!
– What got you into cosplay?
I wanted to bring my favorite character at the time Kagome from Inuyasha to life back in 2004. Ever since I’ve been hooked and am determined to bring all of my favorite characters to life!
– Why do you love cosplay?
I love the community and meeting new people! I’ve met so many amazing friends through cosplay! I also love learning new techniques to create costumes!
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