Add a Lace Front to your Wig
We offer several style of lace front alternative wigs that are easy to wear and style! You can add on a lace front to these wigs and others at home. With a little patience and practice, you can adapt a wig’s hairline. Create widow’s peaks, side burns, and any number […]

Mermaid Waves Tutorial
Want to create pretty natural looking waves (often called ‘mermaid waves’) easily with your Epic Cosplay wig? Here’s a tutorial on how you can use steam or hot water to create the look!

Making Pigtails with a Hestia!
Our Hestia has a hidden talent! Did you know you can create cute pigtails and braids with our Hestia? It’s easy! Our many extra rows of wefting make this wig versatile~

Straightening a Wig with Heat
Straightening an Epic Cosplay wig is quick and easy! Watch our video tutorial to see how to use water and a flat iron to restyle your wig! Step 1: Section out hair from the wig to straighten. Step 2: Spray the section with water. Step 3: Use a flat […]

Ponytail Wig Restyling Guide
Our Ponytail wig is one of our most versatile styles! It is constructed out of a base wig and pulled back into a short ponytail. It’s so easy to adapt this wig into different looks in just minutes! Here’s how!

Aphrodite Spiking Guide
Styling our wigs is so easy! Grab your favorite texturizing spray and in minutes take your new EpicCosplay wig from out of the bag to perfectly styled for your character!

Assemble Folding Wig Stands
Sometimes we have questions about how our folding wig stands fit together, so we’ve made this simple guide on how to assemble them! It’s very easy to do! Folding wig stands are great for travel and do double duty as drying racks when you wash or style your wig with […]

Add Wefting to a Wig
Need to add extra wefting to your wig to create a certain style? Here’s a guide to help you get started!

Cutting Bangs with a Hair Razor
EpicCosplay’s Tips and Tricks is back with instructions on how to cut a wig’s bangs easily with a hair razor!

Adjusting Wig Size
New to wigs and wondering how to adjust the fit of your wig? Wondering what those hooks are in the back? Here’s a guide on sizing we’ve made to help you!
Wig Tutorial: How to Add Thick Wefts to an EpicCosplay Wig!
Check out this epic tutorial!
Wig Tutorial: Beatrix (Final Fantasy 9) Rolled Curls!
Check out this epic wig tutorial for curls.