Leone from Akame ga Kill
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Cutie Cute Cosplay Photographer: Madster EpicCosplay wig: Apollo in Butterscotch Blonde with extensions The Apollo was the absolute perfect wig for Leone! I trimmed some sections into spikes for easy styling, sewed in the extensions in the front, and used Got2B gel and spray […]

Sky High from Tiger & Bunny
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Kevlar Cosplay EpicCosplay wig: Apollo in Butterscotch Any information/comments you’d like to include regarding your wig or how you styled it: The wig was styled using Got2BGlued and a hair dryer. All of the shaping was accomplished by hand by holding it in place […]

Hiruma Yoichi (Genderbent) from the Eyeshield 21
Name: Shtick Cosplay Epic Cosplay Wig: Apollo in Butterscotch Blonde with two Clip-in Extensions in Butterscotch Blonde for the Hairline/Sideburns (clip in extensions have been discontinued) Styling & Additional Information: This was my first Wig styling adventure, and it was so much fun! To get my wig to look the way it does, […]