Here’s one of entries for our Valentine’s Day Contests! RainbowSerenity is cosplaying as Prishe from Final Fantasy XI. While RainbowSerenity did not use one of our wigs for her cosplay we believe that our Persephone Wig in Fusion Vanilla Purple would be perfect for this cosplay! Read on to learn more about this awesome cosplay!

-What inspired you to do this cosplay?
When I first got to play as Prishe in Duodecim, I instantly loved how spunky and sarcastic she is. I can be really sarcastic myself, so it seemed like a good match, personality-wise – not to mention that she reeeally loves food. There’s about ten battle lines that she can cry out while fighting in Dissidia that are food-related (which should give this entry some context! Note the handful of candy hearts! :D). That’s just straight-up awesome, in my book!
-What got you into cosplay?
I first found out about it back in 2004. I’ve always been a pretty crafty person (I almost never sat in front of the TV as a kid since I was too busy making things), and when I discovered that it was actually acceptable for people to dress up as anime/video game characters on days other than Halloween, I knew I had to go for it. My stepmother made most of my first costume (which was Utena, from Revolutionary Girl Utena), but since then, it’s been all me.
-Why do you love cosplay?
I love the feeling of being able to create something out of nothing. Those old bedsheets can become tomorrow’s sleeves. That random piece of wood can be fashioned into a sword. The possibilities are endless, and I love that many people share these possibilities to make it easier for others in the future…unless you’re like me and you’re terrified of sewing machines. All my costumes are hand-sewn. T_T
It’s also incredible to see yourself transform. My own sister hasn’t recognized me while I’ve been in past costumes! It starts out small – getting a wig, buying some paint, getting the right fabric – but when you put it all together, it forms something that, to me, is pretty darn magical.