Show Us Your Moves: Kat and Brandi Cosplay Maids!

Name: Kat and Brandi

Kat’s Facebook:

Kat’s Twitter:

Kat’s website:

Brandi’s website:

Style and Color: Rhea Set in Fusion Vanilla Purple and Hestia in Fusion Vanilla Purple

“These are custom Maid cosplays we created ourselves, simply based on maid costumes seen in anime.  I have always wanted to do a maid cosplay after seeing this in anime and hearing about maid cafes in Japan.  Brandi and I live about 5 hrs away from each other so we hopped on Skype and sketched ideas for the costume. Then we each made our own cosplays with the same designs & custom patterns.

I had to cut and style my bangs.  I cut it in two different layers, using curlers to give it some poof, then had to use fine scissors to thin out the ends of the bangs so they didn’t look just chopped across.  One of the reason’s I love to buy EpicCosplay wigs is because how soft they are.  This also means they don’t tangle as easily as other wigs.  This is very important for ease of maintenance and makes the wigs last longer.”

Photographer: &

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