EhOkayCosplay as Micaiah from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn used the Nyx in Silvery Grey for my casual! Micaiah cosplay. I only moved the bangs and pulled some hair back + tied it with blue ribbon. She’s the commander of the Dawn Brigade, hence why I chose the shirt. I also made Thani, her tome, and bought […]

Chrom from Fire Emblem
Cosplayer:Volke39Instagram:Volke39PhotographerVolke39Photographer Instagram awakened after picking up this character in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Very impressed on how easy this wig was to style.

Grima Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening
Cosplayer:Charlie/PizzaInstagram: Instagram version of the character ( Grima ) Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. Since you can customize and create your own MU/character within the game, you can basically go ham and play with the design however you please! I went with a short, spiky, black hair look instead of […]

Bejuled Cosplay as Pajama Izana from Fire Emblem Fates
Cosplayer:Bejuled Photo: @sciguyrope The wig was absolutely perfect for Izana! I sprayed it down with watered down oil and conditioner then heat sealed that in, and with that it didn’t tangle once!

Lilina of Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Cosplayer:Chibicakes Does CosplayFacebook: a detailed Fire Emblem Lilina cosplay! This character first appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, the sixth game in the series. You can also see her briefly at the end of The Blazing Blade, through Spotpass on Awakening, and in the mobile game Heroes. Lilina is […]

Takumi from Fire Emblem
Cosplayer:katie.chiInstagram:katie.chiEpicCosplay Wig: Nyx in Hazy Grey for Fire Emblem Takumi Cosplay Check out this fantastic Takumi cosplay! This character first appeared in Fire Emblem Fates, but also appears in Fire Emblem Warriors and the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes. Featured cosplayer Katie.Chi provides a great description of the wig creation […]

Libra from Fire Emblem: Awakening
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Liebs Cosplay EpicCosplay wig: Maya Light Blonde Long Natural Colored Wigs (D10-MB, discontinued style) I braided the upper section of his hair and heat-styled the bangs, but otherwise he didn’t need too much styling! I love how silky smooth this wig is– I’ve worn […]

Maribelle from Fire Emblem: Awakening
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Terranell EpicCosplay wig: Nyx in Natural Blonde with wefts This wig was made possible with chair/upholstery foam, lots of wefts, and several cans of spray glue. Photographer: Sparks Ritorno Photography

SUYM: Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening
Name: Identivity Cosplay Epic Cosplay wig: Aura in Dark Red Character: Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening “Straightened and cut the bangs and back of wig, then added beads to both sides.” Photographer: Bunny Tuan

SUYM: Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening
No longer under the guise of Marth, Lucina is here! Weather you loved her, or her male disguise, in the Fire Emblem franchise itself or her appearances in Super Smash Bros. this brave and true swordswoman is here to protect and defend. No mater which version of her you cosplay, […]