EpicCosplay’s Community Angels

Do you know a member of the cosplay community who goes above and beyond for their peers? Does this person contribute helpful tutorials, reviews, reach out to new cosplayers, do charity work or inspire others in some way?
If you know a person who is a positive force in our community and want to see them recognized for the contributions they make, nominate them as a ‘EpicCosplay Community Angel’! 
We will provide selected ‘Angels’ with a gift package containing a certificate honoring their contributions, store credit, and feature on our blog and social media accounts!

To nominate a cosplayer:

Send an email with the subject ‘Community Angel Nomination’ to submissions@epiccosplay.com


  • Name of the nominee
  • Links to blogs, social media, or content online that showcases your nominee’s contributions to the community. This can be any number of things from tutorials, volunteer work with charities, to heartfelt posts encouraging others. Personal stories are also considered valid evidence of community work.
  • Why you personally feel this individual should be featured.
  • Link to an account of your own (ex: facebook account) to verify your identity.

Please note: Personal entries (people who enter themselves) will not be considered as nominees. You must submit another member of the community. This is is why we ask for a form of identification on your part. You may request to remain anonymous when submitting.

This is an ongoing program that will continue year round, so feel free to submit as many nominees as you wish!

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