Zero Two / Darling in the Franxx
Cosplayer:@MarissatronFor C2E2 in Chicago, I did a cross-over cosplay of Zero Two ( Darling in the Franxx) as a UA student from My Hero Academia. This wig was perfect!! Trimmed up the bangs and cut shorter pieces in front to resemble her hair on the anime. Highly recommend!

AzulIs Trash as Chloe von Einzbern from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
Cosplayer:AzulisTrashInstagram:bubbledmilkEpicCosplay wig: Theia in Fusion Vanilla Pink for Chloe von Einzbern cosplay Talented cosplayer AsulisTrash portrays an impressive Chloe von Einzbern cosplay in this awesome photoset. This character features prominently in the second season of the Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA anime – a charmingly antagonistic existence created from the main […]

Zero Two from DARLING in the FRANXX
Name: Zekia (@aru.rinh) Costume: Zero Two EpicCosplay Wig: Asteria in Fusion Vanilla Pink

Godoka Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica
Name: Cloudsofsand EpicCosplay wigs: Nyx in Fusion Vanilla Pink with two ponytail clipons I trimmed the pig tails and the bangs of the wig/ I love this color and think it works perfectly for Madoka Kaname. Photographer: GooJunky Photography

Super Sonico from Super Sonico the Animation
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Demoiselle EpicCosplay wig: Hestia in Fusion Vanilla Pink The wig was straightened about halfway to keep the volume that the curls gave it and trimmed. Photographer: Darkain Multimedia, Cospix

Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Cloudsofsand Photographer: Sound Snap Photography, Clouds Photography, and Journeyer Photography EpicCosplay wig: Rhea Set in Fusion Vanilla Pink I had to cut the ponytails shorter and straighten them a bit which shows how easy it is to straighten your wigs! I also did a little […]

Sonico from Super Sonico
New Face of EpicCosplay Submission! Name: Majik Cat EpicCosplay wig: Nyx in Fusion Vanilla Pink Photographer: Jesse Richardson

Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa
Cosplayer: Blue-Cereal Epic Cosplay wig: Rhea Set in Fusion Vanilla Pink Series: Junko Enoshima from Dangan Ronpa I cut the bangs to be shorter side bangs, For the ponytails I split the wig into lots of sections and teased each section one at a time. Then sprayed the ponytails lightly […]

SUYM: Sylveon Gijinka/Pokemon
Fans of the friendly fairy-type Eeveelution are sure to love this this fun Sylveon gijinka cosplay by OhHeyABear Cosplay. Pokémon are great candidates for gijinka fanart and costumes. Each one has signature details that stand out – distinctive colors, bold patterns, and so on. This design starts with a cocktail-length […]

Show Us Your Moves: AlterEiko Cosplays Madoka from Madoka Magica!
Name: AlterEiko Cosplay Facebook: AlterEiko Style and Color: Rhea Set in Fusion Vanilla Pink Character: Kaname Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica